
Free Download Source Code Android MP3 Versi 2.1 with Android Studio + Admob

This is the Android App for Online Music Stream. Play Music and Download also the file. This is a json supported Remote service so you can edit it without uploading in the playstore. This app is specifically optimized to be very easy to configure and detailed documentation is provided. And also you can share your favorite song Url to your friends / relatives. Ejajoy With this new aap.

The source code is a native app for android or iOS that helps you build great music apps on your smartphone. The songs, authors, categories are managed by PHP Backend using the Yii framework. We are available if you want to hire us to customize this source code for you.

Feature Details:

  • Audiobook mode to resume playback where you left off
  • Notification controls
  • Color theme and text size can now be configured!
  • This shield is detached from the unintentional pause when your phone is jostling and the headphone cable shifts. I added this because it sucks when my phone is in my pocket and will automatically pause because the headphone cable hit.
  • Played .mp3, .m4p, .m4a, .aac, and many more types of audio files.
  • Receive the main, pause, previous, and subsequent commands from the Bluetooth headset.
  • When you select 'All songs' for a particular artist, the songs are sorted by album, not alphabetically.
  • Automatically paused and resumed when other apps (eg GPS) require audio.
  • If another app requires more than 30 seconds of audio (such as a phone call), other apps will not resume.
  • "Repeat All" is always on.
  • If you click "back" too quickly, double check that you want to leave before it stops.

Expected Folder Layout: It's designed to work with artist folders copied from iTunes. That means expecting the directory structure:

music / artist / / album1 / 01 - First Song.mp3 / 02 - Song Second.mp3 / 03 - Lagu Ketiga.mp3 / 04 - Lagu Keempat.mp3 / album2 / 01 - Another Song.mp3 .

Misc: I've noticed that if I pause a song for a long period of time, I need to press and hold the 'pause' button on the Bluetooth headset in order to continue the game.

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