
How TO Guide Install Android ORe0 GAlaxy S8 Update is leaking N0W

With beta testing going to end, chances are we'll see the stability of Android Oreo OTA launched for Galaxy S8 at the end of January. Yesterday, a Reddit user posted a link to the official Oreo OTA made for the Galaxy S8. We have already detailed everything new in this stable building. Now, let's see how you can install updates on your device.

Updating is pretty simple, but you may need to paralyze some of the previous requirements. Most of the work will be done with Odin, a firmware-flashing tool for Samsung devices. Once you've set it all up, it's relatively easy to update to the official Oreo on your Galaxy S8 or S8 +.


  • Snapdragon Galaxy S8 or S8+ (model number SM-G950U or SM-G955U)
  • Windows PC
  • USB data cable

Before you start

It is important to note that this leaking building is only for Snapdragon variants. It has been tested to work on Verizon, AT & T, and T-Mobile models of the Galaxy S8 and S8 +, and all the indications are that the Sprint model should also work. However, we do not recommend this flashing on unlocked US S8 models (SM-G950U1 or SM-G955U1).

The build can be sideloaded, but your device should be on a Nougat build ending in BQL1 to do so. If your S8 or S8 + does not currently use BQL1, you can use Samsung Odin tool for this flash build.

Once your device is running in BQL1, you can sideload build CRA1, which is an official Oreo update. The current firmware information for your device can be obtained by going to Settings -> About Phone -> Software Information. The firmware number is located under "Baseband version."

If your device is already running a build that ends with BQL1, skip to the final step of this tutorial. If you are not running BQL1, read all the steps below.

Step 1 Check if you can Sideload BQL1

Some previous Nougat buildings can be upgraded directly to BQL1 using "Update from SD Card Option" in recovery. To check if your phone is eligible, visit the Samsung Firmware Science homepage. Choose your model (950U is S8 and 955U is S8 +). Next, select your current firmware from the drop down menu.

How to Guide Install Android Oreo GAlaxy S8 Update is leaking now

Check the final dropbox to determine if you can sideload BQL1. If BQL1 build is not listed, then you need to switch to Step 2 of this tutorial.

If BQL1 is listed in the final dropbox, click on the build number to download the update. Finally, follow the instructions in our sideloading tutorial to download the BQL1 update.zip file. When your phone reboots it will run BQL1 Nougat build. At this point, you can jump to the final step of the tutorial.

Step 2 Odin to BQL1 (Only if Step 1 Doesn't Work)

If you find that you are not eligible to override BQL1, you will need to replay this form using Odin. The Odin software only works with Windows, so be sure to have a useful PC. First, download the latest Odin version. Extract the ZIP file and run the EXE file in it. You should then download the correct Odin BQL1 update for your phone:

How to Guide Install Android Oreo GAlaxy S8 Update is leaking N0W

Right click on the Odin ZIP file and extract it all again. Inside the extracted file you will see five MD5 files (picture above). Return to Odin app. Click the 'BL' button, then select the file that starts with "BL" inside the extracted BLQ1 folder.

Next, click the 'AP' button in Odin and select the AP file inside the extracted BLQ1 folder. Click on the 'CP' button, select the CP file inside the BLQ1 folder that you extract. Click on the 'CSC' button, select the HOME_CSC file inside the extracted BLQ1 folder.

How to Guide Install Android Oreo GAlaxy S8 Update is leaking N0W

Make sure you select HOME_CSC, and not the CSC file. USERDATA button is not required or required for this process. Make sure all four files have been loaded and a check mark appears next to each button. Click on the "Start" button at the bottom of the Odin application. The flashing process will start and should take about 10-12 minutes. It may take some time for your device to reboot, do not worry. When your device finally boots up, you should now run Nougat BQL1 build.

Step 3 Sideload BQL1 to CRA1 Oreo Update

Now that you have the correct Nougat run, download the appropriate BQL1 update file to CRA1 for your device. Save updates to the SD card or your device's internal storage.

At this point, you can follow these instructions to photograph the CRA1 update file in recovery mode on your phone. When your device is restarted, you will be running an official Android Oreo update!

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