
Apple Features WiFi Mesh System Available Now For $ 219, Dropped From $ 350 [Limited Time Only]

Apple continues to sell its own Wi-Fi base station base station via its own sales channel but has given the green light to the future of Wi-Fi networks based on the mesh system.

The Cupertino-based company has begun selling Wi-Fi Linksys Velop Whole Home Mesh Belkin's system in its physical and digital stores.

Apple Features WiFi Mesh System Available Now For $ 219, Dropped From $ 350 [Limited Time Only]

Apple has clearly deliberately silenced the future of its various AirPort hardware. It was reported more than twelve months ago that the company had dissolved the AirPort internal team and put the engineer in another role in the business. Since then, everything has been quiet on the front of AirPort without meaningful hardware updates in the last four to five years, and only a few important security updates can be discussed during 2017, especially towards the end of the year to patch up KRACK and Broadpwn vulnerabilities.

It seems the market is moving away from where Apple feels comfortable as home networking products are concerned, with more consumers turning to mesh network systems to reduce the black spots of coverage in their large homes and get full "home coverage" that many mesh systems seem promising.

Apple does not offer its own web system, does not seem to have a plan to do it, and instead has switched to the Linksys Velop hardware to fill that gap in the products and accessories it offers for sale, the perfect Choice considering Apple already has a glowing relationship with Belkin, which is owner of Linksys brand. In addition, the system can be used in conjunction with an existing AirPort base station to expand the network.

Apple Features WiFi Mesh System Available Now For $ 219, Dropped From $ 350 [Limited Time Only]

Apple sells Linksys Velop as a whole home system with 3 or 2 individual units included in each package. Each Node is able to drive a powerful 2,000 square foot Wi-Fi signal, meaning that the purchase should be good up to 6,000 square feet of coverage after the Node synchronously and work together.

There is also a Linksys app that enables Node network management once installed via iPhone or iPad. Available today, Apple offers a Linksys Velop 3 pack mesh system from a digital store for $ 499.95, while the 2-pack version is available for $ 349.95. Of course you can extend the network anytime by adding more vertices and when needed.


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