Dr app with full name is Doctor Application that lets you find the best doctors and order instant appointments. You can read details about doctors like qualifications, consultation fees, see feedback from other patients and instantly book appointments directly from your smartphone.
So you have the widest choice when choosing the most appropriate doctor.
this time berga will share Source android code For free is a doctor application. this application comes with admin panel data manage the application system
Admin Panel :
Url : http://gujjurocks.com/doctor
User Name : admin
Password : terminal
Login as : Administrator
Doctor Login :
Url : http://gujjurocks.com/doctor
User Name : richardhirsch@gmail.com
Password : terminal
Login as : Doctor
Features Source Code Application Doctor Version 3.2:
- Find the best doctors in major cities.
- Search for doctor based on your problem. Doctors are listed Classified.
- Search for doctors based on their Specialty, Clinic or doctor name.
- Listings based on area, availability and consultation fees
- Appointment booking with instant confirmation.
- View previously booked appointments.
- Save your appointments.
- View doctor profiles with qualifications, awards and more information
- See clinic details such as timings, consultation fees, clinic Address and photos
- Use our in-built navigation feature to find turn by turn directions to the doctor’s clinic.
- Provide feedback on the doctor and clinic experience post your appointment.
- Create a patient account with a simple and private FaceBook sign up.