This time tech berga will give Project android studio free Source Code Application Cookbook Reciep.
Material Design
Cookbook is style in Material design with beautiful animations end effects. motion provides meaning. you can choose on of 8 color themes
Android Studio
App was develop in Android Studio. it supports mobiles and tablets with ice cream Sandwicht (Android 4.0.3) and newer
you can organize recipes into categories. There us a navigation drawer menu. Category icons are included. you can alsi bookmark favorite recipes
SQLita Database
Data is Stored in a local SQLite database internet connection is not required Database is easily editable. Database is implemented usin ORM library.
You can monetize your App with Admob. there are two banners. in the list of recipes and on detail screen. Banners can be disable in the configuration.
Password_Zip : berga3dhw
Features Source Code Cookbook Recipe :
- Support for Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0.3) and later
- Developed with Android Studio & Gradle
- Material design follows Android Design Guidelines
- Eight color themes (blue, brown, carrot, gray, green, indigo, red, yellow)
- Animation and its effects
- Animated action bar
- Floating animated action button
- Parallax scrolling effect
- Effects return fast
- Ripple effects
- Navigation drawer menu by category
- List of recipes
- Find recipes with suggestions
- Favorite recipes
- Recipe detail screen (intro, ingredients, instructions)
- Material checklists
- Share recipes or shopping lists
- Open the recipe web link
- Kitchen timer
- Recalculate the amount of ingredients with the portion
- Turning calories into joules
- About dialog
- Rate apps on Google Play
- Data (categories, recipes, materials) is stored in a local SQLite database
- Images can be taken from the Internet or locally
- Caching images
- The app works in offline mode
- Runtime Permissions
- Google Analytics
- AdMob
- Responsive design and tablet support (portrait, landscape, handling orientation change)
- Support for high resolution displays (xxxhdpi)
- Multi language support
- Possible to build projects without Android Studio / Eclipse (using Gradle & Android SDK)
- Configuration is easy
- Well documented
- The best quality clean code created by experienced senior Android developers
- Free support
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