
How T0 Fix DpK9 Cydia ERroR After ElecTra iOS 11 Jailbreak

If you are a frustrated jailbreak user who receives a "var / lib / dpkg / updates /" error when trying to download or install packages via Cydia installed via Electra, then do not worry as there are improvements to the problem.

Modern jailbreaking is difficult and problematic at the best of times. Even as things go smoothly there may still be insurmountable obstacles to overcome.

How to Fix Dpkg Cydia Error After Electra iOS 11 Jailbreak

However, when Cydia starts throwing out these kind of error messages, referring to directories and other technical aspects, it can be very confusing and alarming to the average individual who might think jailbreak is not working, or, worse yet, who might think they have damaging their devices Thankfully, if these errors are accepted, then that is not the end of the world and this is relatively easy to solve.

The resolution for this problem can be found by simply creating an "update" folder in the "var / lib / dpkg /" directory, which means you will basically have "var / lib / dpkg / updates".

This is very easy to achieve by using something like Filza File Manager or SSH'ing to the device, go to the above mentioned directory, and just create a new blank folder called "update". Now, when the tweak is installed or when Cydia refreshes, the problem should no longer be present itself and you should behave well when doing normal. Whatever is normal is in today's modern jailbreak world. However, when Cydia begins to be equipped with messages like this, it can be very cruel and worrisome to the average individual who may be considered a jailbreak not working, or, worse yet, who might think they have ruined their device Thankfully, if this error is accepted , then it is not the end of the world and it is relatively easy to solve.

How to Fix Dpkg Cydia Error After Electra iOS 11 Jailbreak

Without sounding too pessimistic, chances are you will face some additional problems with the current jailbreak and Cydia's combination as time passes. Therefore, it is very satisfying to know that such relatively small issues can be fixed without much fuss or hard work to be done. Clearly, any jailbreaker in their minds really wants a jailbreak experience that does not matter and is not accompanied by challenges, but as we have learned now, it is not at all the world we live. in a sense again that we need to learn to embrace difficulties and take satisfaction in overcoming them.

For now, this is a small victory all at once. So if this problem frustrates you for a period of time, you now have the necessary knowledge to overcome it.

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