
Source Code IOS App Ebook Reader Free Download version 2.4

The ebook reader is a full-featured reader for Epubs and PDF. The Ebook market is increasing day by day because most people convert to ebooks rather than physical books. This is the perfect solution for developers who plan to build ebook readers. This application has all the features with a beautiful user interface.

You can use this application in two ways (Local and Server).

1) Save the cover and epub image on the server. Add the basic path to the Settings file in the application. Fill in the local json file that is included in the code with your content. (This option will work if the content is lacking).

2) Simply use web services to get data in the required format provided in the json file.
By just doing a small setting in the application, one of the two methods above will work.

Source Code IOS App Ebook Reader Free


    •    Simple UI (Inspired from Apple Designs)
    •    Open books with 3D Touch
    •    Epub Reader and PDF Reader
    •    Download books from Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive.
    •    Copy books from iTunes File Sharing feature
    •    Open books from other applications like Safari or Mail etc..
    •   Automatically convert the book price based on the country.(But as apple not allowing buying books with payment gateways other than Apple In App Purchase system, we have not included any 

payment gateway feature in this application).

    •    Search books from Spotlight
    •    Open currently reading book from Today Widgets
    •    Google Analytics
    •    Search   

Epub Reader features:

    •    Highlight the text in different styles.
    •    Add Notes for highlights.
    •    Listen to a book by just tapping a button at bottom right.
    •    Share selected text as images quotations.
    •    Change fonts and font size
    •    Day and Night mode
    •    Read in Vertical mode or horizontal mode
    •    Search

PDF Reader features:

    •    Thumbnail slider
    •    Crop the page
    •    Adjust brigtness
    •    Search for a word
    •    Bookmark

Dowload Source Code IOS App here


• If you have the right to copy to sell books, you must have a website to allow users to buy books from the store and there must be a web service to get books purchased in the application.

• If you don't have rights to any book, you can deactivate Store from the application and continue to download from the Drive option.


Complete instructions are given in the documents provided in the application.

See also the Source Code Project here : 


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