This is a smartphone competition time to customize your device with killer features. we all know that Android is the best platflom that offers to adjust everything. Each operating system has its own configuration file and all functions are stored in the build. The prop file changes the build. the prop file will change the value of the android core function. You can adjust the device without installing an application or 3rd party mod, only need root access to edit the Build. Prop on an Android device. Must check how to edit the build. Prop on Android and what tasks are tweaked. Listed below are 20 incredible Android builds. tweaked prop to Customize Android.
20 Android Build. Prop Tweaks to Cutomize Android
1. Improved Perfomace
Most AOSP-based ROMs do not come with the background application kill feature. It takes a lot of memory and battery for bad RAM management. Follow the code to build you. prop will save RAM or battery. This will turn off the background process that doesn't do any tasks in the background.
2. Improve Recording Qualtiy.
Most of user wants the best audio and video quality in their device. this code in build. Prop will Improve audio and video recording quality. After Applyin this code the device recording gives better clear and louder quality Sound
3. Make your Phone ring as Soon as you get a Call
Android devices generally wait to verify the connection before it rings to the device. This tweak disables the secuirty waiting time and makes the phone ring once you get a call. just add a few lines at the end of the build. prop file
ro. telephony.call_ring.delay=0
4. Fix black Screen After Call.
If you are facing a few second black screens after each call. This could be an issue altering the proximity delay. copy and paste these lines that will fix the blackout issue.
5. Enable Auto-rotation on Lock Screen.
An earlier version of the Android operating system comes with Auto-rotation on lock screen features nowadays auto-rotation on lock screen features has been disbaled on Smartphonce. if you want to enable Auto-rotation on lock screen featres then add the following line to the end of the buld. prop.
6. Enable Auto-rotation on Home Screen..
Are you using the custom launcher for Auto-rotate the home screen ? now it easily possible on you default / stock launcher. if you want to rotate you home screen then add the following line to the end of the build. prop
7. Improve Network Speed.
if you are facing low network speed? you can overall increase network speed on your android device by increasing the TCP's buffersize. when you are browsing the internet on the android device, your net has been directly connected with the google DNS.paste the Following code at the bottom of the build prop
net.tcp.buffersize.default=4096, 87380, 256960, 4096, 16384, 256960
net.tcp.buffersize.wifi=4096,87380,256960, 4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.umts=4096,87380,256960, 4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.gprs=4096,87380,256960, 4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.edge=4096,87380,256960, 4096,163 84,256960
8. Disbale built-in error reporting
every Android user always faces with the Appscrash. after apps crashing, we all notices a pop-up like Error-reporting is showing on the Screen. it too much annoying for the many users. if you feel this is too much annoying for you and want to disable built- in error reporting features then add the code to the end at the Build. prop file.
10. Improve Call quiality
This code improve clear and lounder call quality on your device, just paste following code in the end at the build. Prop
11. Change DPI on Android Device.
Chaning DPI is one of the most useful build. prop for android users. DPI refers to the Density Indenpendent on your deice. you can find many apps in Playstore to change this setting but here you can directly tweaks DPI on Android. if you set high amount of value in DPI then the output is smaller UI, smaller text, smaller icons.
if you set low DPI then output is a larger UI, larger text, and larger icons Always set a perfect DPI otherwise you can't operate you device. Add the following line of the build. prop
here, XXX refers to the DPI value. The values are a multiple of 160, that is, 160, 320, 480, 640, etc, XXX replace with a value you like
12. Improve Image Quality
Most of The android device render images at a low quality to reduce processoer uasge. its quality is not very bad thoug but not the top quality. Nowadays you can get many powerfull processors in the mid-range and even some budget smartphone. Those device easily displaying the images in original quality with the help of this build . prop you can add the code shown below. jpg. quality=100
13. Increase Wify Network Scan Time.
Every android looks nearby WIFY network for 15 seconds. if the WIFY is turned on. if you want to increase this time periode for extra time WIFI search then add the following line at the build. prop. the process usually drains more battery than before.
Here, XXX refers to the interval of scanning in seconds. if you want your device WIFI scan 3 minutes the XXX replace with 180.
14. Disable USB debugging notification
15. enable faster boot
In this method, some starup apps will disbale that is not necessary. This can be enabled with the code below in the build prop
16. Force 270 Degree Rotation in All Apps
On the Android device, default degrees are 90 derajat, 180 derajat and 270 derajat. sometimes some apps like instagram that choose to rotate only 90 derajat and for that reason, you have to rotate the device itself to access the application. you can forcefully enable 270-Degree Rotation in all apps adding this line at the Build Prop
17. Enable Video acceleration and HW debugging.
After enable this features that video framerate for streaming will better. Also This code enables H/W debugging for high quality of sound Simply add the Following line at build Prop file.
debug. sf.hw=1
debug.egl.profiler=1 # Measure rendering time in adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo
18. Increase resoultion of a pnorma image
This tweaks forcefully enables higher resolution panorama mode in the camera mode. it can not be supported by all phones
defres is for the full panorama image resolution, consisting of all images while frames provide the resolution of each frame of a panorama
19. Improve Network Signal.
This tweak enables Fast Dormancy. Fast Dormancy is a mobile technology feature designed to reduce battery consumption and network utilization between mobile device and their respective carrier networks during periods of data inactivity. Just paste following code in the end the build Prop
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