
Enable Edge Highlight live wallpaper On Android device

Are you the Edge light on your device? but there is no edge to your cellphone. Here we share a complicated method for activating Highlight Edge Live wallpapers on Android devices.

We all know every high budget smartphone like the Galaxy S8, S8 + and Note 8, 9 and more devices are equipped with a corve edge screen. The types of smartphones launched earlier with Edge light technology. The edge highlight feature mainly works when the phone rings or plays music on a good phone. You can activate it for an unlimited amount of time. All edge screen devices don't come with Edge Highlights. if you want Samsung Edge lights on your android then this is the right place

if you have a low-budget device or other branded device that is equipped with an edge screen. And you want the Edge feature highlighted on your device so the 'Borderlight app' will help activate this feature.

Edge Highlighter Live Wallpaper for Android devices

This application almost likes the default Edge Highlight feature. The Borderlight application works with all types of Android devices. if you have a notch device you can easily change the notch size for Edge to Edge Highlights. Below we make a video for you about how the Borderlight application works

There is no real way to programmatically get a display form on Android, so XDA 'dax105' members do the next best thing and create a preset system where users can customize the phone's wallpaper and then share the presets with others.

Borderlight App feature:

  • Supports RGB Highlights.
  • Background image
  • Speed of light fast / slow
  • Classic / round edge
  • Change the size of the limit

Install Instruction:

  • Download The borderlight-debug-v1-1.apk file
  • The Copy the downloader file to your mobile or tables in internal of external storage
  • Now enable Unknows Source options from settings>security or Settings>Addtional  settings > privacy
  • Install borderlight-debug-v1-1.apk
  • Once installation complete, open the app
  • Now Activate the launcher and click 'apply' in your device.

Enable Edge Highlight live wallpaper On Android device

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