
Enable Pixel 3's Flip to Shhh Feature On Android Devices

Google recently launched their new device Google Pixel 3 and Google pixel 3 XL. Both devices come with several unique features such as Nigh Sight, Featuesl's Top Other Camera Shot, but this time Google released a Call A new "Flip to SHH" feature that comes with the latest pixel device. You can also Activate the Flip to Shhh feature from Pixel 3 on an Android Device using the Tasker App.

This feature allows you to change Google 3 pixels or Google 3 XL pixels to 'Do not disturb' mode by turning the display facing down. Now you can easily turn off incoming calls without pressing any buttons in the meeting and situations where we cannot receive calls. Also notification tones. but so far this feature cannot be used on other Android devices but here we share the fa trick to activate the Flip Shhh Pixel 3 feature for each android device.

Enable Pixel 3's Flip to Shhh Feature On Android Devices

Enable PIxel 3's Flip to Shhh Feature on Android   

This can be done with tasker app, which can be availbale in the Google play stor. Download the application create a task. that task will automatically activate "Flip to shhh"  features in your device 

Step to enable flip to Shhh Feature on Any Android 

First, download the altest Tasker App From Google Play Store or Other Website, links below.
Donwload Tasker Android

After the installation complete, open the tasker App, accept All the agreements and check tasker App is enable or not from the top-right (if disable then enable it)

Enable Pixel 3's Flip to Shhh Feature On Android Devices

Now click on the ink below to download Flip to shhh task Make sure open it on your mobile browser which has Tasker installed

After opening this link, you will see a green-coloured import button  
Click on this button to import this task on your device

Enable Pixel 3's Flip to Shhh Feature On Android Devices
Now an "Import Data " pop-ip message will show. click yes Button

Enable Pixel 3's Flip to Shhh Feature On Android Devices

Then it will ask to give all the required permission. Set all the permesion and click yes

Enable Pixel 3's Flip to Shhh Feature On Android Devices

Once the task is imported, it automatically works on your device (check the toggle button is enable or not )

if you want to disbale it then just click on the toggel button on the task

Enable Pixel 3's Flip to Shhh Feature On Android Devices
That's it now you can use Flip to Shh  feature on your Android device to mute incoming call, notification tone without press any button.

Also Read More Article : 


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