
How To Resolve Usb Device MTP Driver On Windows 10

we will guide to repairing the installation of MTP Driver on the 10th miracle. So far Windows 7 is the most stable operating system but now most users use Windows 10. 8.1, or 8 and have problems connecting to a PC smartphone. After each Windows 8 update, the Windows 8.1 Windows 10 Anniversary update has brought some new bugs. Therefore, many users fail to install the MTP driver on the computer. if you connect your cellphone to your computer. if you connect your cellphone to your computer, and you see a message like "MTP USB Device driver failed." MTP USB device does not install "." MTP is not recognized "or code 28. So don't worry here we share many steps to complete the MTP usb device driver on Windows 10.

What is MTP ? 

Mtp stands for media transfer protocol, that supported by Android smartphones. if the MTP driver installation fails, you will not be able to transfer media files from the android device to the computer. 

First, Try some basic steps to fix MTP drive : 

  1. Switch USB Ports: Most of the USB port switching process might be work, So first swicht one USB port to another USB port. 
  2. Restart the Computer: Sometimes windows doesn't recognize the driver properly. So restart your computer
  3. Change USB cable: sometimes USB cable doesn't work with some device. So change USB cable can also fix this problem.
if none of the above tricks works then follow the steps below:

How To Resolve Usb Device MTP  Driver On Windows 10

Resolve MTP USB Device driver on Windows 10

To Fix issue you need to execute some opeartions. here we Share three different types of methods to install mtp usb device driver

1. install wpdmtp.inf

  • First, open Run windows key + R 
  • then types " %systemroot%\INF" and press enter or click OK 

  • Now type "wpdmtp.inf" in the search bar. you can see the search bar in the top right corner.
How To Resolve Usb Device MTP  Driver On Windows 10
  • when you find it, right-click it and choose install from the menu. Click "yes" to accept administrator request
How To Resolve Usb Device MTP  Driver On Windows 10

  • That's , it too easy method to install MTP driver after this now connect your smartphone with PC.

2. Install the MTP USB Device Driver

  • First, open command Box windows key + R
  • Then types "devmgmt.msc" and press Enter or click tap
  • make sure your MTP Device is conect to your PC
  • Now expand Portbale device and find device. if you can't try looking under Other device 
  • Right-click on it and choose "Update driver"
How To Resolve Usb Device MTP  Driver On Windows 10

  • thyen click browser my computer for driver software 

How To Resolve Usb Device MTP  Driver On Windows 10

  • Click on "Let me pick from list of available drivers on My computer"

From the list select MTP USB Device, and click next

3. Install the media feature Pack

if you are using windows 10 N and KN version of windows 10 pack, it comes without Media Feature pack. Sometime Media feature pack might solve the problem
  • first download "Microsoft-windows-MediaFeaturePack-OOB-Package_x64.msu or Microsoft-windows-MediaFeaturePack-OOB-package.msu from below link
  • Once donwload complete, double-click on it and Follow the installation wizard to install.
  • Donwload Microsoft windows Mediafeaturepack.msu



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