
How to Root Outkitel K7 and Install TWRP with Sp Flash Tool

Good news of Outkitel K7 user unofficial TWRP recovery is now available for you device create by 4pda forum member it means you can root the device. The TWRP recovery can be flashable via fastboot mode with Sp flash Tool 4pda member created the TWRP for this device. the TWRP recovery is not fully developed, but you can flash magisk, Mod's Custom ROM with it and the device. we will show you how to install TWRP Recovery on Outkitel K7 and How to Root Outkitel K7 with magisk.

Rooting Pros and Cons

After Rooting Outkitel K7 phone you can able mod your device, but before starting the guide do a complete backup, and one thing warranty will voide after rooting the device. He are some rooting benefit, you can remove stock bloatware, System Apps after Root the device with the Xposed module and more. Also you can hide root access on specified apps with the help of systemless App. Lest start the guide.

How To Root Outkitel K7 MTK

you can root Outkitel K7 two way via Latest Magisk or SuperSu 2.82 But we will suggest Magisk, because Magisk is the Only Superuser app the giving updates and suporte hide rooting. superSu is stopped developing on new update but Supersu 2.82 support Android 8.0, 7.0, 6.0 phones. So you need latest TWRP Recovery to Flash the Magisk zip or SuperSu stock recovery can't do that. But the device is launched with the locked bootloader so before install twrp recovery you have to unlock bootloader then you can flash twrp on this device. let's go to the guide how to unlock bootloader and install TWRP recovery for rooting.

how to Root Outkitel K7 and Install TWRP with Sp Flash Tool

Supported Device : 

  • Outkitel K7 MTK


  • Before starting rooting process do a complete backup , your device includes Apps, Contact, Message, Gallery file, Internal Storage Files
  • Charge the device for interrupt installing
  • Install MTK Driver
  • Install fastboot driver Google USB Drivers
  • Enable Developer Options, USB Debugging, OEM Unlock to Connect your device in ADB, fastboot mode.
  • Download adb-fastboot-tool, TWRP file latest Magisk Superuser for Rooting Guide

 Download Twrp For Outkitel K7 and Root File, Fastboot Tool 

  1. Download TWRP for Outkitel K7 with scatter file => Outkitel-K7-TWRP.zip (TWRP 3.2)
  2. ADB Fastboot Tool => Minimal ADB and FASTBOOT Tools 
  3. Download SuperUser|disable_encryption.zip

 How to Guide Unlock Bootloader Of Outkitel K7 

  1. First, read Pre-requistes Download and unzip platflom-tools-r28.0.1windows.zip
  2. connect your phone and install the driver
  3. Open cmd windows in platflom-tools-r28.0.1-windows folder by hold shift + mouse right button on your windows pc or use System wide fastboor/adb
  4. Turn on your device into the bootloader mode by fastboot command or by volume Down + Power Button
  5. adb reboot-bootloader
  6. Now type or paste this command to unlock Oukitel K7 Bootloader
  7. fastboot oem unlock
  8. Comfirm the unlocking from Volume Navigation Button all data will erase after confirmation
  9. Now Reboot the device and go to the TWRP recovery install steps 

How To Install TWRP TWP ReCovery On Gadget Outkitel K7 on Android

First, read pre-requisites and unlock bootloader Donwload and unzip MTK Sp Flash tool, and TWRP Recovery + Scatter file.

Complete Switch off the device and run Flash_tool.exe from SP Flash Tool folder.

Brows scatter-loading file "MT6750_Android_scatter" scatter file from TWRP folder and click the Donwload button

Now connect your device and wait for complete flash then disconnect the USB cable and go for rooting step. Read our MTK Sp Flash Tool guide if you still did not understand how to flash twrp file.

How To Guide Root Outkitel K7 on Android versi 7.0 , 8.0 wih Magisk 

  1. Once you complete the TWRP installation now, you can root the device by flash (latest magsik or Superuser) donwload latest Magsik or SuperSu from the Download section and disbale_encryption.zip
  2. Dowload Magsik zip, Disabe_encryption.zip Copy files to internal Storage or SD Card and switches off the device 
  3. Hold Volume UP + Power To  Turn into recovery mode 
  4. in TWRP, Tap cancels if TWRP asks for a password to decrypt
  5. Don't allow for modification keep read only
  6. Go to wipe and format data
  7. Reboot your device into recovery from reboot option 
  8. Go to install and navigate to disable_encryption.zip => Swipe to install then instal Magsik Zip
  9. Back and reboot the device 
  10. Open magisk app and verify root access and safety net check (install Magsik Manager APK if Magisk App is missing)

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