
Donwload ASus ROG Phone Camera For Any Android Device (Including Other Stocs Application)

Asus launched its Asus ROG cellphone a few days ago. it is a game phone, so there is a game application that is included in the ROG Phone. Like Asus ROG Companion. Live Wallpaper. Camera etc. If you want to try this application so you can try it from this post. Simply download the Application from the post below, install it from Magisk by installing it. So you need a telephone. Follow the post Donwload Asus ROG Phone Camera for All Android Devices (Including More Stock Applications)

About the Port Application Port

The Stock App is ported by XUX members that are recognized by the XDA forum. All credits apply to live wallpapers, camera applications included. For The Live Wallpaers, you can choose between live and static wallpers. LINUXCT creates ASUS ROG Companion so you can choose between them according to you.

Asus Rog Phone is a Smartphone Smartphone, equipped with several enhancements to gaming. their RGB Light, cool live wallpapers, ROG logo walls etc. are just magical to the eye, if you want to download Stock wallpapers you can get them from the link below.

Donwload ASus ROG Phone Camera For Any Android Device (Including Other Stocs Application)

Donwload ASUS ROG Phone Camera For Any Android Device And Other Apps 

Donwload whichever the port you want to install. install it as normal APK file

Guide To Install Asus Style Suite And Enable Live Wallpapers

Make Sure you have latest compatible Magisk Manager installed 

1. open The MAgisk Manager App, Go To The Donwload Tab
2. Tap on the search button and search for ASUS Style Suite
3. install the module, and reboot your phone
4. You will get all the wallpapers in your Phones gallery

To get the live wallpapers : 

1. Long press on home-screen. Select The Wallapers 
2. Go to live wallpapers, Here you Will find the Asus ROG Live Wallpapers 

To Enable The Live Wallapers 

Open The ROG Controller Companion app.
Grant the root access if it asks

Donwload ASus ROG Phone Camera For Any Android Device (Including Other Stocs Application)

Done, enjoy the ASus ROG Phone Camera For Any Android Device (More Stock Apps included) if you have Any questions comment below in The Comment Box.


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