
Viper4Android Alternative Sound Mod for Huawei and honor devices (Android 8.0)

Are you a music lover? do you fill the device volume too low, don't worry this guide will help you increase the volume to a huawei device and sharpen it. In that platflom, many audio mods are available to increase the volume but each mod requires root access to the WOR, here we share the available mod guide to increase the volume immediately after Viper4Android Alternative Sound Mod for Huawei and the honor device. in this post we use "SRT TruMedia Sound Mod" (Viper4Android Alternative) for huawie and honor devices.

Viper4Android Alternative Sound Mod For Huawei

SRS TruMedia is one of the oldest audio mods in our Android Cutomization community for a long time. Now Huawei officially says that it will not provide a bootloader unlock key for their new device, so you cannot root your device. Viper4android and atmos dobly require root access to work, so here we find Dolby and Viper4android Alternative Mod Sounds for Huawei and honor devices.

SRS TruMedia For Huawei and Honor

SRS TrueMedia audio mod supports Android 8.0 + EMUI based devices. With the help of this special mod, users can increase volume, adjust sound and treble also you can choose sound settings such as music, film podcasts. Thanks to the senior member of "qianw" from XDA for making SRS TrueMedia sound Mod for Huawei and the honor device. So, if you want an alternative Viper4android Sound Mod for Huawei and honor devices then follow the Guide below.

SRS truMedia Audio Mod Donwload : 

The Apk Sholud work on Any EMUI Android 8.0 + device. Donwload and install it as a normal APK

Download SRS_TruMedia.apk

Install Instruction :-
  •  Donwload The SRS_TruMedia.apk file.
  • Then Copy donwloaded file to your mobile or tablets in internet or external storage
  • Now enable Unknown Source Option from Settings > Security or Settings > Additional Settings > Privacy
  • Install SRS_TruMedia.apk (follow the image below)

Once installation Complete, Play a song 
Then open the Application and Customize as you want

Also Read More Article : 


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