NinjaApp is the perfect pixel Mobile Application Landing Page created with extraordinary attention to detail. It is designed to promote your mobile applications, services or business projects. 11+ different homepages also have blog pages, single blog pages with good documentation.
What is a Landing Page?
Landing page is any page that is opened by a user by clicking something first. Not only on websites, but the term "landing page" also applies to other platforms such as social media, e-mail, paid advertisements and so on.
If usually a website page contains many links and menus, landing pages are designed to direct visitors to do something specifically.
Even though it is on the same website, landing pages are actually created separately. It aims to "move away" from other links or menus that can distract the user from the main purpose of the landing page.
From this it can be concluded that a good landing page is a landing page that is oriented to the "action" that the user will do and the achievement of conversion.
Landing page is any page that is opened by a user by clicking something first. Not only on websites, but the term "landing page" also applies to other platforms such as social media, e-mail, paid advertisements and so on.
If usually a website page contains many links and menus, landing pages are designed to direct visitors to do something specifically.
Even though it is on the same website, landing pages are actually created separately. It aims to "move away" from other links or menus that can distract the user from the main purpose of the landing page.
From this it can be concluded that a good landing page is a landing page that is oriented to the "action" that the user will do and the achievement of conversion.
Type of Landing page
Based on the purpose, there are two types of landing pages that can be distinguished:
Based on the purpose, there are two types of landing pages that can be distinguished:
1. Click Through
This type has more information and details about a product or an offer to users and customers.
For example ProgressTech offers digital marketing services to users, landing pages that are created do not always have to ask the user to fill out certain transaction forms. Instead, a landing page created can contain information about the digital marketing explanation.
This type has more information and details about a product or an offer to users and customers.
For example ProgressTech offers digital marketing services to users, landing pages that are created do not always have to ask the user to fill out certain transaction forms. Instead, a landing page created can contain information about the digital marketing explanation.
The landing page is equipped with a call-to-action (CTA) button that is connected directly to the registration page or the next transaction.
By providing detailed information about an offer, users tend to be even more sure to click on the CTA offer.
2. Lead Generation
Just like before, this type of page also has a CTA button. The difference is, users can directly convert on this page without moving to another page. This landing page type is designed to collect leads directly.
This type of page is suitable for non-risky offers. This means that users will not hesitate to take certain actions according to the conversion you want.
For example downloading something, getting a coupon or registering for a news letter with prizes. Unlike click through, the lead generation landing page is shorter, clearer and more interesting.
By providing detailed information about an offer, users tend to be even more sure to click on the CTA offer.
2. Lead Generation
Just like before, this type of page also has a CTA button. The difference is, users can directly convert on this page without moving to another page. This landing page type is designed to collect leads directly.
This type of page is suitable for non-risky offers. This means that users will not hesitate to take certain actions according to the conversion you want.
For example downloading something, getting a coupon or registering for a news letter with prizes. Unlike click through, the lead generation landing page is shorter, clearer and more interesting.
Why Should You Use a Landing Page?
There are several benefits that you can get from creating this page. Although similar to normal website pages, landing pages are more effective at increasing user engagement and conversion.
Design landing pages for each campaign that you make, both for Search Engine Marketing, e-mail or social media campaigns for businesses. Almost all conversions that occur will provide increased revenue for your business.
There are several benefits that you can get from creating this page. Although similar to normal website pages, landing pages are more effective at increasing user engagement and conversion.
Design landing pages for each campaign that you make, both for Search Engine Marketing, e-mail or social media campaigns for businesses. Almost all conversions that occur will provide increased revenue for your business.
What are the uses for landing pages?
This page can be used to encourage many types of campaigns, advertise, email marketing, social media campaigns and so on. At least landing pages can help users follow the CTA to:
This page can be used to encourage many types of campaigns, advertise, email marketing, social media campaigns and so on. At least landing pages can help users follow the CTA to:
- Download eBooks
- Registration
- RSVP for certain events
- Study stone products / services
- Register to get a trial or demo
- Claim promotional offers and much more
Make sure every promotional campaign that you make is on a different landing page to be more effective. Therefore, you also have to create different content for each promotional campaign.
Feature Script html 4 Landing page ninja
- 100% Responsive
- Bootstrap 4 Framework (V4.1.1)
- HTML5 and CSS3 validation
- Scroll to Fix the Navbar
- Text Type Animation
- Compatible with Cross Browser
- Net Code & Comments
- Easy to adjust
- Google font
- Awesome fonts
- Well documented
- Easy customization
- W3C Validated
- 24/7 Extraordinary Support
- and much more…
Files included:
- HTML Files
- CSS Files
- JS files
- PHP file
- Documentation in HTML
1. Jquery –
2. Owl Carousel 2 –
3. scrollIt js –
4. Headline js –
5. fontAwesome –
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