
How to troubleshoot Galaxy S8 and Note 8 Secure Folder after Android 8.0 update Oreo

There are people who really hate what Samsung does to pure Android stock and firmware made by Google, but most of us like it. In addition to creating its own flavor of the Android OS, Samsung also does extensive software development to bring additional features and apps to its Galaxy devices, such as the Samsung Knox security layer.

The Samsung Knox feature called Secure Folders gives you a completely personal space on your Galaxy device, helping you save pictures, videos, documents, and more. However, the technical aspects of how Safe Folders work are sometimes confusing, and you may end up not being able to add content to the Safe Folder or access content that you have previously added.

Here's what you can do to fix it.

Method 1: Reset your device, and DO NOT return any backups

How to troubleshoot Galaxy S8 and Note 8 Secure Folder after Android 8.0 update Oreo

First of all, make sure you do not restore the backup after upgrading to Oreo. Yes, it seems that recovering Nougat's reserves on Oreos causes big problems.

So, first of all, delete the data on your device. That is, do a factory reset. Since this will erase everything on your device, you'll need to make sure you have a backup if important files and contacts, SMS, etc.

Next, let the device boot, set it up, but now, do not restore the Nougat backup. You can restore contacts, messages, etc., but do not restore a backup that has Safe Folder data in it. Otherwise you may have to delete your device data again.\

Method 2: Set up Safe Folder in Oreo

Step 1: Prepare Secure Folders

To start using Secure Folders you need to set it up with your Samsung account, as this will allow you to not only secure it with two-factor authentication, but also keep all your data safe on secure Samsung servers.

From your Galaxy S8 home screen, go to Settings
Scroll down to find the Lock screen and the security menu and that option.
Go down to the Secure Folders section and tap on it to start setting it up with your Samsung account.

Step 2: Move the file to Safe Folder

  1. Open the app drawer and open the Folder Safe app on your Galaxy device.
  2. Sign in using the credentials you use when setting up Safe Folders in the above steps.
  3. Find the Add file button and tap to navigate and select the contents of your device you want to protect with Safe Folders.

Step 3: Recover the lost content

It's entirely within the field of the possibility that you're trying to add some pictures or videos to the Safe Folder and end up pressing some other buttons by mistake. You may lose your content not only from the Gallery, but it will not appear in the Safe Folder as well. However, you can still retrieve this media file using the Gallery app.

  1. From your Galaxy S8 home screen, head to the Gallery.
  2. Press the three dot menu icon and select Settings.
  3. Go to the Trash menu, where you'll find all recently deleted media files, as long as you try to move to Secure Folders.
Are you finally able to enjoy the security and peace of mind that Safe Folders on your Galaxy S8 offer? Please do not hit us in the comments section below if you need further assistance with Secure Folders settings.



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